An Owners Only Forum for Industry Best Practices

Turnaround Industry Network Conference (TINC) is an invitation-only conference for owner operators.

2025 Regional Networking Sessions

2025 Regional Networking Sessions


Regional Networking Session


Regional Networking Session


Regional Networking Session


Regional Networking Session


Regional Networking Session
About TINC 2024

An Investment In Your Turnaround Success

The Turnaround Industry Network Conference (TINC) is the premier turnaround symposium to share best practices proven to deliver:

TINC is the only conference where you will find detailed turnaround performance comparisons, derived from the industry’s premier turnaround benchmark database. TINC also features a unique combination of expert panels, breakout sessions, and industry experts sharing valuable ideas and experiences, as well as social activities.

TINC 2024 Guest Speakers & Topics

Mike O'Kane


Shawn Hansen

Site Resource Capability

Nathan Centofanti

Turnaround Industry Benchmarking & Performance

Brett Schroeder

Turnaround Excellence Award

Pete Shirley

Scoping Best Practices

Mimi Eshetu

New Digital Tools

Who Should Attend

TINC is designed for turnaround professionals from owner-operator companies involved in a wide variety of energy and process industries. This is an invitation-only conference for owner-operators (no vendors), and it is the only forum exclusively for turnaround professionals from the upstream, refining, chemical, and power industries.


Connect with industry leaders to discuss innovative solutions for optimizing plant performance and minimizing downtime.


Explore strategies for improving efficiency and reducing costs during chemical plant turnarounds.


Gain insights into the latest technologies and best practices for minimizing downtime and maximizing refinery output.

Power Generation

Discover how effective turnarounds can improve plant reliability and reduce operational risks in power generation.

Oil/Gas Exploration

Network with experts to learn how turnarounds can streamline exploration operations and improve asset management.

Oil/Gas Production

Access key insights into managing production downtime, boosting operational efficiency, and optimizing assets.

Platforms/ FPSO/FSU

Learn best practices for turnarounds on offshore platforms to ensure safety and maximize uptime.

Liquid Natural Gas

Stay ahead in LNG by discovering turnaround strategies that enhance operational efficiency and reduce costly downtime.

Gas Plants

Connect with peers to discuss how turnarounds can boost gas plant productivity and extend operational lifespan.



For over a decade, industry leaders have been meeting at TINC around the world to discuss the challenges and trends in the Turnaround Industry.

Need Conference Updates?

AP-Networks wants to ensure that you’re up to speed on everything TINC related! Sign Up for the TINC Newsletter for the latest updates and conference insights!

Why Attend

The Benefits

On the fence about attending TINC? That’s great, let us help your case! TINC is nothing like other conferences that are sales-centric in design and intent. TINC is the Industry’s Turnaround Network meeting where all company turnaround networks come to meet and share knowledge every year (while obeying a strict code of conduct to ensure confidentiality and compliance with antitrust laws). 

Immediately following the conference, many companies meet on their own to organize their takeaways, set their own company’s goals, “sharpen their saw”, and recharge their knowledge.

Read more on how TINC can help your Employees and your organization today!

Below we have outlined several helpful ideas for communicating to your management team the critical nature of attending this invaluable conference.

Education and Training

TINC is nothing like other conferences that are sales-centric in design and intent. TINC is the Industry’s Turnaround Network meeting where all company turnaround networks come to meet and share knowledge every year (while obeying a strict code of conduct to ensure confidentiality and compliance with antitrust laws). Immediately following the conference, many companies meet on their own to organize their takeaways, set their own company’s goals, “sharpen their saw”, and recharge their knowledge.


TINC will have a session that provides actual benchmarks of where your turnaround practices stack up against other companies (results will be blinded). Such quantification is not available at any other conference.

After attending TINC, as an added benefit to your organization, you will be able to:

Train Your Colleagues

Present an internal training session highlighting what you’ve learned at the conference to your colleagues. All collected presentations from the conference will be made available for you to share with your co-workers.

Implement Information

Apply what you’ve learned at TINC to make a difference. Information you gain here – from productivity enhancements to cost savings, could easily justify your attendance and others at next year’s TINC!

TINC 2024 Conference Schedule

Welcome & Intro
Introducing Online Turnaround Learning
Turnaround Benchmarking and Industry Trends
Presentation of the Turnaround Excellence Award
Making Better Decisions: Assessing Turnaround Governance and its Connection to Business Performance
KPIs and Tools that Support Effective STO Governance

Network Edge 2024 Conference Schedule

Turnaround Network for Leadership and Management
Turnaround Network for Power Users (Advanced Functions and Capabilities)
Turnaround Network Overview and Introduction for New Users

What To Expect

Welcome & Intro
10:00 - 11:00
Session Two
Using Data to Optimize Long Range Turnaround Scope

Utilizing data analytics to optimize long-range turnaround scope enhances decision-making, minimizes risk, and improves efficiency. By leveraging insights, we streamline operations, reduce costs, and ensure successful, timely project completion.

11:30 - 1:00
Lunch & Networking

A lunch and networking session at a turnaround industry conference provides professionals the opportunity to connect, exchange ideas, and foster collaborations in a relaxed, engaging environment over a meal.

Register Today!

Expand your personal skill set and knowledge base and add immediate value to your organization by learning established best practices and new strategies from experts and peers!

Contact AP-Networks

AP-Networks is the trusted leader for improving asset and operational performance in heavy industry companies worldwide. We work with our client’s most critical assets—their people, processes, and production facilities—in order to help them achieve safe, competitive, predictable outcomes on their high-risk events—namely capital projects and STOs.

Ready To Maximize Performance?

To send inquiries, including feedback, requests for information, and questions regarding our products or services, please use the form below.