Award for Turnaround Excellence

Winner of the 2023
Award for Turnaround Excellence

The recipient of the 2023 Award for Turnaround Excellence was the Motiva Enterprise LLC, Port Arthur 2022 VPS4 Turnaround. Representing the Motiva Port Arthur turnaround team for the award presentation was Turnaround Area Execution Manager, Richard Powers, who was presented the award by Brett Schroeder, CEO of AP-Networks.

The Motiva Port Arthur Team Accomplished The Following:

Congratulations to Motiva Port Arthur for an exceptional event!

About Asset Performance Networks

AP-Networks is the trusted leader for improving asset and operational performance in petroleum, chemical, and energy companies worldwide. We work with our clients’ most critical assets—their people, processes, and production facilities—to help them achieve safe, competitive, predictable outcomes on their high-risk events, namely capital projects and turnarounds. Our associates are internationally recognized leaders and experts in project management, turnaround management, operations, benchmarking, risk management, and more. Our team leverages proprietary, data-driven tools that help our clients Aim Higher to achieve superior business outcomes and Aim Smarter to drive breakthrough performance. For further information regarding our full range of products and services, please visit us at

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